Posts in Workforce Planning
Four Emerging Strategic Workforce Planning Trends

The human capital residing within an organisation is arguably the most important factor impacting an organisations ability to sustain long-term growth and success. Strategic workforce planning is one of the key components of effective human capital management and a topic widely discussed as having an ever-growing importance on the future of work and an area that is seeing considerable evolution. As more emphasis is placed on workforce planning across organisations, we’re seeing new trends emerging that are really evolving the way that workforce planning is carried out and shaping what ‘good’ strategic workforce planning looks like.

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How do you Design Work to be More Engaging?

As we continue to discuss and debate the opportunities that technology poses in regards to automation and what this means for the future of work, the question arises as to whether we’re building adaptive jobs that are not only future-focused but can also engage employees and drive job satisfaction? In this blog post, we review the 5 key elements required to design jobs that really engage your employees.

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150+ Conferences to attend in 2020 on HR Tech, People Analytics, Employee Experience and the Future of Work

David Green assembles the conferences taking place in 2020 where people analytics, employee experience, HR technology and the future of the week are the dedicated or central theme. There are over 150 conferences chronologically ordered by date and featuring events taking place all over the world from Sydney to San Francisco, and from London to São Paulo.

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How Strategic Workforce Planning adds Business Value

In her previous articles, Alicia Roach has examined the “what” of workforce planning the “why” you should care about and the “how” you successfully implement strategic workforce planning within your organisation. In this fascinating article she examines how strategic workforce planning adds business value. The primary reason that many business initiatives are not having the requisite levels of outcomes and impact comes down to two questions, the first “Does your organisation know what workforce is needed now?” and “What about in 3-5 years time?”. Throughout this article Alicia examines these two questions, in order to help us understand how strategic workforce planning, when done correctly can drive real business value.

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How to Successfully Implement Strategic Workforce Planning

Previously, Alicia Roach has examined the “what” of workforce planning and the “why” you should care about it. In this article she begins to unpack the “how” you successfully implement strategic workforce planning within your organisation. Strategic workforce planning is recognised as “the most complex analysis effort undertaken by HR functions” and throughout this blog she details some of the key concepts that are critical and have been found to be differentiators of successfully implementing workforce planning versus strategic workforce planning going off the rails.

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The Path to Transformation and Organisational Effectiveness? (aka Strategic Workforce Planning)

A great article from Alicia Roach where she asks why so many organisations struggle with Strategic Workforce Planning. The thing about SWP is that yes, it is about the workforce – but that doesn’t mean it is another item in the “best-practice toolkit” or laundry list for HR. SWP defines that list in the first place! And not just for HR, but for the whole business, who are relying on the capabilities and skill of the workforce to deliver its transformation, digitisation or growth agendas. The workforce is the key execution vehicle for most organisations (and as we already know, their biggest asset, largest cost) and SWP is the way to optimise the workforce – so why so misunderstood?

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Building a Talent Assessment and Development framework to support Workforce Planning

In the myHRfuture Academy online training course Getting Started with Workforce Planning, Al Adamsen provides a solid foundation to the principles behind workforce planning, while detailing how to create a strategic workforce plan for your organisation. In this instructional video and blog post, Al gives a brief overview of the 10 dimensions of the Talent Assessment and Development framework and how this framework can support your Workforce Planning process.

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What are the Steps in a Workforce Planning Process?

In the myHRfuture Academy online training course Getting Started with Workforce Planning, Al Adamsen provides a solid foundation to the principles behind workforce planning, while detailing how to create a strategic workforce plan for your organisation. In this instructional video and blog post, Al gives a brief overview of the key stages involved in developing an effective workforce planning process within your organisation and the value it will drive.

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