Posts tagged talent development
Why is Talent Development Important to an Organisation?

Employees play a significant role in driving businesses forward. And why? Because it is your employees that are delivering customer support, producing products, overseeing operations, and coming up with innovative ways of doing business. So, when considering new means of enhancing trade and employee engagement, looking at employees' skills and talent development makes sense.

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Does the Future of Work Mean Work Without Jobs?

The labour market has evolved. In just the last few years, due to the pandemic, social unrest and eruption of remote work, there has become empowerment of the workforce. The way we perform everyday work has changed as well. Employees have an increased desire for flexibility, collaboration, learning opportunities and wellbeing that they are not just asking for but demanding. One direction companies are taking in response to the changes is by re-evaluating what jobs and work mean to all the involved parties and bringing about a new way for work to get done.

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What are the Business Benefits of a Talent Marketplace?

The use of a talent marketplace in organisations is on the rise, as the very nature of work and skills has morphed after the pandemic and the Great Resignation. Employers discovered that talent marketplace platforms allow them to remain competitive in a tight labour market by focusing more on how work is getting done over job titles and job descriptions.

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